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HAMREC E-Academy Professional Certification

HAMREC E-Academy Professional Certification

Redefining The Young Haitian Professional

The economy and market are both dynamic. There is always a need to find dedicated personnel to work with new tools to promote further innovations. It is a well-established theory that shows how companies cut costs. Employers seek individuals who can use these modern tools and cutting-edge scientific knowledge to improve corporate operations. Acquiring new skill sets aids in enhancing young people's readiness for the job market. Opportunities to work with emerging technologies and techniques are made more accessible by professional certification.

In Demand Skills - The importance of obtaining a professional certificate is evident in the job market. In addition to having candidates with at least a 4-year degree from a renowned academic institution, Most hiring firms require specialization in a specific area as a condition for an offer. They look for that unique human capital trait.

For instance, medical providers earn a living by performing different procedures daily on multiple patients. On top of that, their licensure gives them legal exclusivity to perform their tasks. The algorithm they use daily alternates between manual maneuvers, communicating measures to follow, ordering the proper laboratory tests, prescribing medications at specific doses, and recording observations in a chart. Certified professionals in other industries are no different. The only variance is in the kind of services rendered and the licensure that is not required. They also do manual work and communicate with customers, vendors, and business personnel. They perform analysis and make recommendations. Lastly, they offer well-written solutions as deliverables to project sponsors.

Job seeking - To succeed, qualified applicants must continually improve their coding, designing, problem-solving, and other talents. This ongoing development is a strategy for responding to stakeholder demands, including those of consumers, suppliers, and vendors. Even in less technical fields like marketing and leadership, new methods need specialized training or a few courses to be understood and put into practice at the company headquarters.

Most businesses provide tuition reimbursement for courses deemed necessary for their daily operations. They often work with vendors of specialized tools to train staff on-site so they can keep current. However, they favor resources who show up prepared and knowledgeable. Additionally, businesses focus more on certain skill sets while hiring than the conventional four-year academic degree. HAMREC is there to provide the platform to acquire these skills

Earnings potential - Job seekers often read postings from companies that seek a skill under the proverbial "bonus." Their human resources department has a minimal appetite to make appointments and constantly interview candidates. Therefore, they usually look for a candidate they can assign to do one aspect of the company's daily processes and tasks. Hiring managers can go to great lengths to offer an excellent salary to a candidate that meets the "plus" criteria of a job posting. The candidates may set themselves apart from other experts in their areas thanks to HAMREC e-training and certification, which only signify their devotion to mastering and succeeding in their field.

A professional certificate proves that the applicant has at least undergone training. The business will not bear the cost and time spent on specialized training. The presence of certification on a Curriculum Vitae piques hiring managers' interest and highlights the worth of potential workers. A job applicant with a college degree and professional certification always stands out from the competition.

Job creation - There is potential that a well-trained individual could become an entrepreneur and start offering services to customers as a contractor. A Graduate from HAMREC e-Academy will obtain the necessary tools and practices to start contracting firms that can offer job opportunities. By becoming an Independent Consultant, individuals free themselves from the mindset of job-seeking to the mindset of employee/customer-seeking.

However, becoming an independent consultant may require an extensive portfolio and proven experience working for other companies in various industries. Candidates can only move forward in their careers when they tie job experience to professional certification. HAMREC e-academy can provide the solid foundation that is needed. It offers a unique opportunity for self-transformation to be free from the mental habit of job seeking instead of job creating. It is a rare opportunity for emancipation.

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